Friday, December 18, 2009

Extremely lucky, not so big

There will be no real poker for the next 6 days. Maybe a home game, probably a bargame freeroll at Piper Down one day. Going back to Salt Lake City for a week
to hang with the fam and the homies and homettes, and I'm already experiencing internet poker withdrawals. And mafia wars withdrawals, and bejeweled withdrawals....

It will be good for me.

Today, me and girl spent the afternoon cleaning up the yard a bit, but only because the homeowners association complained to our absentee landlord that we were slobs. And we of course are, we are some of the LAZIEST.... Well, that's also part of the problem. Then we went to the bank. Why, I have no idea. And shopping and such.

That left me little time for poker playing today, which is ok, because I really wasn't feeling it today anyway. I just decided I'd play a couple of $5 single table sit and go's to pass the time until I catch the bus to SLC. The first one I played, I eliminated all but one of my opponents and took first place. The second I just went on a rush and took out every player on the table in pretty quick order. The game only lasted about 40 minutes. I think I should play more poker when I'm feeling like not playing poker.

Two firsts for $22.50 a piece equals a quick profit of $34. Bankroll stands now at $451.56. Almost back to my August peak.

Merry freakin' Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Why did we go to the bank? Cause I said so! That's all you need to know. Now get back in there and win more money for me damn it! I want a BIG Christmas present under that, diamonds, tanzanite, power tools, Toyota Tundra, new furniture, or a big sack of cash. Just a few suggestions for you, in case you were drawing a blank...Oh, have fun in Salt Lake! I'll be slaving away at, decorating, baking and cooking, but you go and have fun. Sigh...
